Garage Pro
About this project

GaragePro is a company after our own heart: a business that specialises in providing top of the line products and kits for motoring enthusiasts. As their blurb proclaims: “If you believe cars are more than just transport and garages are more than four walls, you’ve come to the right place.”

You can imagine our excitement when GaragePro approached us to design their eCart website. Featuring a site developed using the Joomla content management system and an eCart enabled by world-class eCart solution, eCwid, the GaragePro website is a sleek combination of style, ease-of-use and powerful functionality.

At the heart of the GaragePro site is the eCart, powered by eCwid, where visitors can view, order and pay for a range of car care products and garage accessories. The Joomla CMS makes it easy for updates to be made to site content, and also allowed us to pack in a photo gallery and news blog into the site.

Have a look at the GaragePro site to see what we’ve done. We bet you’ll get excited too!


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